
Andreas Mader

Andreas MaderAndreas Mader studied Biology at TU Darmstadt and University Freiburg and received his diploma in 08/2006 with a thesis on the molecular biology of the retinoid cycle (European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 26, pp. 1940–1949, 2007) in the group of Prof. J. von Lintig. He joined Prof. J. Rühe´s group in April 2007 as PhD student and works on different nucleic acid amplification and detection strategies in combination with DNA microarrays.





Andreas Mader

University of Freiburg - IMTEK
Department of Microsystems Engineering
Laboratory for Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces

Georges-Koehler-Allee 103
D-79110 Freiburg, Germany

Tel.: +49 761 203 - 7308 (office)
Tel.: +49 761 203 - 7151 (lab)
Room:  102 00 208

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